new style of work.. i am exploring.. taking my images i have been saving and using them in a new way.. exploring repition, layering and shadows. I am also exploring the human figure, and interaction between humans. these are all studies i have been working on, and working over.
exploring using olive oil as a medium
trying to mix the two ideas together.. this one came from a dream where bens head was underneath some legs
first large piece on canvas.. not done
ben and jess take on me
trying to make my own paper to paint on, turned out really cool!
all art in pictures from below are from Pompidou, Tate Britan, Tate Modern and Frieze Art Fair
i have this new idea that has to do with lights and the lighting of the room.. it came to me when viewing these different light projects
these two sculptures are made with toys glued together by Miki De Saint Phalle
Gillian Ayres
i love everything about Gillians work in the Tate it is energetic and colorful.
Roger Hilton
i relate this piece to a figure and love the simplicity of it and gesture
Dexter Dalwood
the idea of line, and combining different images is interesting to me and i think he did it very well
i really liked the movement in this painting
i love this piece, it was see through and had two layers of material
i love the idea of moving to sculpture maybe and this was a very fluid representation of movement to me
looks like wandas long lost brother
when i was young i used to have a friend who would tell me i looked great even when i looked horrible.. this made me think of her and laugh
i liked this because it was a large piece of a figure without being in a square
this is a close up of a peice that was all done with little wholes that the paint bleed threw, i loved the idea
this is my favorite painting i saw the whole time Peter Linde Busk
lady with vagians all over her.. had a matching purse
jess and michelle where twins one day
Maddie and i, and beautiful day in Paris